Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Midweek Mancandy: Robert Downey Jr.

With "Iron Man 3" coming out this weekend, signaling the beginning of the summer movie season, we knew that our Midweek Mancandy had to be the star of the "Iron Man" franchise, Robert Downey Jr.

(Photo from Tom & Lorenzo)

Now, of course, Robert Downey Jr. has a traditional sex appeal. He has a great body and a nice face. Look at any picture of him and you know he's hot. 

But his personality is also hot. He's a funny guy who doesn't seem to take acting too seriously. It's refreshing, especially because he is a genuinely talented actor who really could act like a serious asshole about his craft. But he has fun with it, which you can see in the "Iron Man" movies and in "The Avengers." Yes, sometimes he can act a bit too douchey and goofy on the red carpet, but then he does something absolutely perfect, like his outfit for the "Iron Man 3" red carpet in Germany (above) and we fall in love with him all over again.

RDJ also gets mad props from us for the way that he pulled himself out of a really dark place and re-emerged into the Hollywood scene a changed man. From for a huge chunk of the 90's and early 00's, he had major drug problems, and he had to spend time in jail and rehab and relapsed several times. He finally got sober in 2003 and clawed his way back into the business. We admire him for that, and that only makes him more worthy of mancandy props.

So here's to you, Robert Downey Jr. - we can't wait to see you kick off the summer movie season in style!

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